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    Tuesday, 26 November 2013

    20 Great Tech Things To Do To Kill Boredom

     If you have been in a situation wherein you’ve had a computer and access to Internet but have still felt bored, then read on, because we at TechGYAN thought it would be a great idea to bring you a list of 20 interesting things you can do in such a situation:
    Bored, Things to do, Things to do when bored, Read, Youtube, Internet, Laptop, internet time pass, internet tools                                      

    1. Read technical blogs – There are scores of really great tech blogs on the web that churn out high volumes of brilliant content on a daily basis. At last count over 9600 tech blogs existed.

    2. Backup your laptop – This makes good sense, and is something none of us often have the time to do. This should be done on a minimum of at least once a month.

    3. De-clutter your laptop – Organising files on your laptop is one of the best things you can do to pass your time and get work done all at once so that when in a rush you will be able to find your files at the snap of your fingers.

    4. Social networking sites – LinkedIn, delicious, Stumble Upon, Facebook, Digg, Twitter, are just some of the really great social networking sites that exist and can be used for not just entertainment but also for great networking.

    5. Clear out all your emails- Again something we don’t do and should do often. Process emails and archive them. Don’t leave any unprocessed.

    6. Change passwords – Creating an yearly password routine and changing all online passwords is just good sense. One can use a multi-platform password manager to store all passwords.

    7. Plan your exercise schedule – If you are the type that has been planning to begin a work out regimen and haven’t been able to, you will be surprised to find some awesome motivation from all sources to exercise regularly. This could be something as simple as the creation of a simple exercise schedule (it could even be for 15 mins a day) and sharing with your family and friends.

    8. Customise your home page portal. If you don’t have it, create one at either iGoogle or myYahoo.

    9. Reconnect with friends and family – When was the last time you sent an email to a near one? Do it now and get in touch with someone you wish you could reconnect with!

    10. Pursue your dream job – If you are not happy with your current job, take time to think about what would be your dream job. Create a document and list down all the items that you don’t like about your current job and all the things that you would want in your dream job.

    11. Read Wikipedia – This is the best online encyclopedia out there and is a source of great knowledge. No better way to chase boredom away as exercising the grey cells!

    12. Send a Thank You note to someone who did some nice things for you.

    13. Organise your photos online – Use Picasa or Flickr to organise all your pictures online.

    14. Browse YouTube – Another awesome site, with loads of fun videos on every topic of interest imaginable.

    15. Explore a Technical Hobby – This could range from tweaking the Linux OS, exploring ethical hacking, exploring amateur ham radio (or) any technical stuff

    16. Set Goals – Use your ‘getting bored’ time to set goals for the year.

    17. Write - Start writing. This doesn’t have to be technical writing. In fact this could be as simple as a letter!

    18. Get Personal Finance in Order – This time can also be utilised in reviewing one’s financial status, review bank balance, consolidate credit cards, sign-up for online bill pay, move money from low interest bank account to high interest bank account, research re-financing your home mortgage for lower rate.

    19. Virus Scan. Run as virus-scan on your laptop in case you are a Windows user.

    20. Watch funny videos online: Enough said!

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