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    Friday, 6 December 2013

    List Of Syntax Used In PHP!

    Here's a cheat sheet to add to the collection of PHP programmers, happy coding!

    Language Category: Object Oriented, Dynamically typed
    { ... }block (grouping statements, especially when statements are not expressions)
    nothing neededbreaking lines (useful when end-of-line and/or indentation has a special meaning)
    /* ... */commenting (non nestable)
    #commenting (until end of line)
    //commenting (until end of line)
    < > <= >=comparison
    strcmpcomparison (returns 3 values (i.e. inferior, equal or superior))
    /** ... */(1)documentation comment (non nestable)
    Err:510equality / inequality (shallow)
    ( ... )grouping expressions
    __LINE__ __FILE__information about the current line and file
    evalruntime evaluation
    case-sensitive: variables
    case-insensitive: keywords, functions, constants...
    tokens (case-sensitivity (keywords, variable identifiers...))
    [_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*tokens (variable identifier regexp)
    =variable assignment or declaration (assignment)
    create_function(',','...')anonymous function
    f(a,b,...)function call
    f()function call (with no parameter)
    Return(3)function return value (breaks the control flow)
    Control Flow
    continue / breakbreaking control flow (continue / break)
    Return(3)breaking control flow (returning a value)
    if (c) ...if_then
    if (c): ... endifif_then
    if (c) b1 elseif (c2) b2 else b3if_then_else
    if (c): b1 elseif (c2): b2 else: b3 endifif_then_else
    c ? b1 : b2if_then_else
    forloop (for "a la C" (while + initialisation))
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i--) ...loop (for each value in a numeric range, 1 decrement)
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) ...loop (for each value in a numeric range, 1 increment (see also the entries about ranges))
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i += 2) ...loop (for each value in a numeric range, free increment)
    while (c) ...loop (while condition do something)
    switch (val) {
    case v1: ...; break;
    case v2: case v3: ...; break;
    default: ...;
    multiple selection (switch)
    (t) ecast (upcast)
    Object Oriented & Reflexivity
    classclass declaration
    thiscurrent instance
    get_classget the type/class corresponding to an object/instance/value
    object->method(para)method invocation
    get_class_methodsmethods available
    o2 = o(4)object cloning
    $o2 = $oobject cloning
    newobject creation
    new class_name(...)object creation
    is_atesting class membership
    s[n]accessing n-th character
    chrascii to character
    ordcharacter to ascii
    (string) econvert something to a string (see also string interpolation)
    str_repeatduplicate n times
    substrextract a substring
    strposlocate a substring
    strrposlocate a substring (starting at the end)
    all strings allow multi-line stringsmulti-line
    serializeserialize (marshalling)
    printsimple print (on strings)
    Echo(5)simple print (on strings)
    printfsimple print (printf-like)
    0string concatenation
    Err:510string equality & inequality
    strlenstring size
    "\n"strings (end-of-line (without writing the real CR or LF character))
    "... $v ..."strings (with interpolation of variables)
    <<strings (with interpolation of variables)
    '...'strings (with no interpolation of variables)
    stringtype name
    unserializeunserialize (un-marshalling)
    strtoupper / strtolowerupper / lower case character
    strtoupper / strtoloweruppercase / lowercase / capitalized string
    falsefalse value
    NULLfalse value
    0(6)false value
    0false value
    ""false value
    "0"false value
    array()false value
    !logical not
    || / &&logical or / and (short circuit)
    or / andlogical or / and (short circuit)
    truetrue value
    booltype name
    booleantype name
    Bags and Lists
    array_unshiftadding an element at the beginning (list cons) (side-effect)
    array_pushadding an element at the end (side-effect)
    foreachfor each element do something
    array_shiftget the first element and remove it
    array_popget the last element and remove it
    in_arrayis an element in the list
    foreach($l as $i => $v)iterate with index
    join(s, l)join a list of strings in a string using a glue string
    implode(s, l)join a list of strings in a string using a glue string
    0list concatenation
    array_mergelist concatenation
    array(a, b, c)list constructor
    countlist size
    a[i]list/array indexing
    array_uniqueremove duplicates
    array_maptransform a list (or bag) in another one
    arraytype name
    Various Data Types
    h[k]dictionary (access: read/write)
    array( a => b, c => d )dictionary (constructor)
    isset(h[k]), array_key_exists(k, h)dictionary (has the key ?)
    array_keysdictionary (list of keys)
    array_valuesdictionary (list of values)
    array_merge(8)dictionary (merge)
    unset(h[k])dictionary (remove by key)
    arraydictionary (type name)
    ?:optional value (null coalescing)
    rangerange (inclusive .. inclusive)
    + / - / * / /addition / subtraction / multiplication / division
    & / | / ^bitwise operators (and / or / xor)
    ~bitwise operators (bitwise inversion)
    << / >>bitwise operators (left shift / right shift / unsigned right shift)
    powexponentiation (power)
    log10logarithm (base 10)
    loglogarithm (base e)
    %modulo (modulo of -3 / 2 is -1)
    1000.0, 1E3numbers syntax (floating point)
    1000numbers syntax (integers)
    mathematicaloperator priorities and associativities (addition vs multiplication)
    randrandom (random number)
    mt_randrandom (random number)
    srandrandom (seed the pseudo random generator)
    sqrt / exp / abssquare root / e-exponential / absolute value
    sin / cos / tantrigonometry (basic)
    / round / floor / ceiltruncate / round / floor / ceil
    floattype name (floating point)
    inttype name (integers)
    integertype name (integers)
    (1) for C, it is not a standard convention, but it is the more widespread
    (2) === and !== differ from == and != when the objects' type differ
    (3) in Lua, "return xxx" can only appear before a block end. in Matlab, only in inline('...')
    (4) object cloning is the default, uses the copy constructor in C++
    (5) in BourneShell, adding an end-of-line
    (6) beware of 0.0 which is true in Pike!
    (7) in Scheme, not standard, but nearly standard
    (8) right-bias
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    Item Reviewed: List Of Syntax Used In PHP! Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Sandgun Cypher
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